Monday, September 3, 2007

Journal #3 Camping? or ...?

People like to relax and have fun time. Whenever we find available time we would go vacation. Labor day is on Monday this year. People compound it with weekend and they go to vacation to rest for three days from boring bussiness life. I did not go anyhwere for vacation. I deceided to stay home and for TOEFL test because two weeks later I have test. I supposed to be at home but i didnt. I am gonna explain my cousin's vacation not mine.
He had decided to go Bakersfield to camping with his family. He had prepared everything for camping the day before they leeave. He has single engine airplane and there are four seats in the airplane, and there is no room in the airplane for stuff to put in. They had put all stuff to a van and one of them, his brother in law has diren to up north california, Bakersfield. They were seven people totally, my cousin, the pilot, his wife, his brother, his sister and her two kids, one of them 5 months old, another one 2 years old. Those six people flight to Bakersfields with private airplane. The seventh one, my cousin's brother in law, drove van to there. They had put everything which they need at vacation such as camping stuff and fishing devices to van because they had thought to camping by lake. Then the van had left from Santa Monica early Friday to Bakersfield and arrive there early to meet them there. My cousin and others had taken off from Santa Monica airport to Bakersfield. But when they tried to land down they couldnt land because they were too high to land at first time. They had decided to turn around for second time but this turn was their last turn in their life. When they tried to turn, they make turn sharply and they lost airplane's controls. They crash down and burned.
After this happened, I didnt study. I went to their house for sympathies . God bless them...


vicki said...
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leinster said...

Gosh Menap, that is such a tragedy. Is this for real? My condelences to the family.

vicki said...

i hadn't read the whole article before i posted my previous i deleted it.And i am so sorry about that.

Menap said...

Yeah this real story. just happened last weekend. there was on TV and in the news paper.(LA Times).,1,1046642.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california

Natasha said...

I am so sorry about this tragedy. It's terrible.

s_o_l_m_a_z said...

i'm so sorry about what happened to your cousin and his family.